Monday, November 12, 2012

Team Website

Hey ladies, this week we have A TON of stuff to do, and we have to do it together. We really need to be checking the blog everyday throughout the week so we can keep each other updated. Also, if you haven't already, you really need to read through the instructions module for the team website assignment, it's quite lengthy. We have to sign up for a team Gmail email, and I can do that as soon as I finish this, as well as get the Website created. I'll send you guys the links for everything once it is created. Once again, we just really need to make sure and communicate with each other this week because everything we've done so far, plus more has to be added to this website.
Thanks for you cooperation,


  1. Our new email is
    and the password is:

  2. And our website link is:

  3. im pretty sure the only thing that is due this week is a revised concept map and then the url for our new webpage. please tell me if im wrong. The final web site isn't due till the 9th!

  4. Just trying to make sure we're thinking about it, and not doing it all last minute. I'd be totally fine, and less stressed to get stuff done earlier

  5. Hi! Okay- I read through all of the website instructions today. Thanks for signing up for that e-mail and making the website URL. I am with you on getting stuff done earlier. This weekend, I am dedicating lots of time to getting organized and caught up for this final assignment. I will check the blog everyday now :)

  6. Awesome. I think the best way to make sure we have everything from each person is to add it all through the email. We can upload files or even put links for everything through Google Docs. You will just have to sign in with our group email. Sorry that it's so long, it kept telling me the one I put was already taken.

  7. so i logged onto the email. not alot going on there yet. do you want me to email that account my past lesson plans and stuff? is that the gist of this assignment? kinda confused

  8. Make sure you read through the instructions on the elearning site, there's a lot of stuff we each have to add and it lists it all out on there. And yes, we have to get our lesson plans on there

  9. HI girls. I have not been on a lot this week. My boyfriends Grandfather died and I have been at funeral stuff all week. I will get caught up and submit everything early this week. Hope you both had a good weekend :)
